Common Diapering Mistakes to Avoid with Newborns

Welcoming a newborn into your life is an exciting and joyous experience. As a new parent, you will quickly become well-acquainted with diapering. While it may seem like a simple task, common mistakes can lead to discomfort, rashes, and unnecessary stress for both you and your baby. In this blog post, we will highlight some of the most common diapering mistakes to help you navigate this essential aspect of caring for your newborn.

Using the Wrong Size Diapers

Selecting the right size is one of the most crucial factors to consider when diapering your newborn. Using too small or too big diapers can lead to leaks, discomfort, and skin irritation. Pay attention to your baby's weight and age guidelines mentioned on the newborn diaper packaging to ensure a proper fit. Remember that newborns grow rapidly, so it's essential to assess and adjust the diaper size as needed regularly.

Incorrect Diaper Changing Technique

Changing diapers is a frequent task, and developing a proper technique to avoid unnecessary discomfort for your baby is essential. One common mistake is not thoroughly cleaning your baby's bottom during diaper changes. Be sure to use baby wipes or a warm damp cloth to wipe the area gently, removing any residue or fecal matter. Remember to pat dry rather than rub to minimise friction and potential irritation.

Neglecting to Apply Diaper Cream

Diaper rash is a common concern for newborns. Applying a diaper cream or ointment during each diaper change is essential, even if your baby's skin appears healthy. This acts as a protective barrier against moisture and helps prevent rashes from developing. Choose a diaper cream specifically formulated for newborn cloth diapers, free of harsh chemicals and fragrances that may irritate their delicate skin.

Delaying Diaper Changes

Newborns have sensitive skin; leaving a wet or soiled diaper on for too long can lead to diaper rash or discomfort. You must check your baby's diaper frequently and change it promptly after it becomes wet or soiled. Aim for at least six to eight daily diaper changes to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

Fastening the Diaper Too Tightly or Loosely

Properly fastening the diaper is crucial for both comfort and leakage prevention. Attaching it too tightly can cause discomfort and leave marks on your baby's skin, while a loose diaper increases the risk of leaks. Ensure a snug fit around the waist and legs, allowing enough room for your baby's movements without being too tight.

Neglecting to Use a Waterproof Changing Pad or Mat

During diaper changes, accidents can happen, and having a waterproof changing pad or mat underneath your baby can save you from unnecessary mess and stress. It provides a clean and comfortable surface for your baby and is easy to clean. Remember to clean the changing pad regularly to maintain proper hygiene.


By avoiding these common diapering mistakes, you can ensure your newborn stays comfortable, happy, and free from diaper-related discomfort. Choosing the right-sized diapers, practising proper diaper-changing techniques, regularly applying diaper cream, making quick diaper changes, and ensuring a good fit will help keep your baby's skin healthy and rash-free. Additionally, consider using high-quality and eco-friendly diaper options like Superbottoms. Superbottoms offers sustainable cloth diapers that are gentle on your baby's skin and the environment. With their innovative designs and absorbency, Superbottoms diapers provide an excellent alternative to traditional disposable diapers. You'll become a diapering pro with a bit of practice, attention to detail, and the right diapering choices in no time. Happy diapering with Superbottoms!


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