Benefits of Using Mustard Seed Pillows for Babies
The baby's head is the softest part of the body and can be easily moulded during birth. This occurs because a baby is designed to pass through the birth canal, which is extremely narrow. As a result, the baby's bones, including the skull, are very flexible. This allows a baby's body to adapt to the small space in the birth canal and pass through easily. However, the stress of passing through the birth canal can cause the head's natural shape to be elongated or deformed. This is where a mustard pillow comes in handy as a remedy. Continue reading to learn more about mustard pillows for newborns and the benefits of using baby mustard seed pillows. What are Mustard Seed Pillows? A mustard pillow is a small pillow designed for newborn babies. It is filled with mustard seeds and, once sealed, is placed under a newborn's head for support. The fabrics used are natural, making them soft and breathable, and the cushioning effect is ideal for rounding the babies' heads....